so sudden crying for no reason.. hmm when i'm sit alone.. thinking thinking thinking and thinking... Oh my god.. i'm missing my buddy.. it doesn't matter my enemy or who love me..
not much that i remember.. always running.. play games.. a lot of game yg xkn jumpa sekarang.. suddenly feel nk main je skrang but for sure others will say YOU CRAZY GIRL!!!! walaupun x ckp dpn2 kn.. chatting chatting chatting chatting.. non stop.. nk2 pulak girl kn.. main rebut tiang ramai2.. x cukup 4 tiang sambung tiang sblh.. tmpt park beskal jd mangsa.. b4 start kelas da peluh sakan.. every second always be wif fren.. kawan yg plg ingat sampai skang adlh haslily.. jodoh kuat ngan dia.. even we not see each other for a long time.. one day, we still meet each other.. like hospital that day.. x sangka kn.. love u
it's kind of pure thing time we all time sek rendah.. no heart feeling.. even ad yg terasa.. merajuk sekejap.. and always come out from our mouth "TAK MOH KAWAN".. korg mesti penah kan.. after gaduh2 tibe2 esok da main sama2.. sgt best kn..

a lot of thing happen here.. here i learn how to choose frens.. a learn how to be crazy.. i learn how to be stupid in front of my frens.. till become really stupid to them... oh HAPPY LARH KORG KN.. kadang2 ape tujuan kita berkawan pun langsung kita tak tahu.. adkh untuk memenuhi kehendak kita?.. gunakan mereka untuk kesenangan kita?.. hmm what it is exactly the meaning of frienship.. ahhh i'm sick of it.. enough fren,, u make me crazy.. but i love u all..
-FORM 1... fahizah.. maisarah.. as.. alyaa.. akmal.. rafizee.. syariff.. nadia.. aisyah.. zulaikha.. hanis.. fatihah.. nabila.. n ramai lagi.. enjoy this year because baru masuk kn.. awl2 lg.. x rasa bahang lg.. BUDAK2 lagi beb.. so many thing nk cuba.. time ni la sibuk abg angkat la.. kakak angkat la.. mula berjinak jinak rapat ngan lelaki bagai.. gelabah2 lg time ni..
fahizah da kawen.. happy for you and i hope u will be happy forever with ur family.. soon i will follow u ok.. wait for me..
-FORM 2.. x ramai class member yg bertukar.. sama je.. so sama je la..
-FORM 3.. oh tdak.. PMR la KAWAN2.. study je.. oh hooo tahun ni la ramai tul yg i admire.. haha.. sengal gilerr,,, saiful azhar la.. amirul syafiq la.. haha still ingat ok.. jangan marah pak cik syed mohd rizal~ i still love u no matter what okayh.. time ni i x jumpe u lagi la.. form 3 da masuk menembak.. jadi la atlit menembak pahang.. everyday training ok... se tired.. pmr plak tu kn.. memang kelas ko ainor.. (^_^)
-FORM 4.. haaa time ni la i jumpe u syed mohd rizal.. slalu je pandang2.. kelas plak sblh2.. time ni da jd pengawas.. slalu je usha syed kalau lalu depan kelas dia.. hoho.. malu2.. blushing da ni.. sgt teruja bila ad kawan gtaw yg syed ad bertanya psl ainor time ainor x de, g competition menembak kat subang.. alamak.. sonoknye.. hehe gatal terlebey plak.. so happy sampai kol syed.. over kn.. hmm never mind.. one day.. so sudden one of ur fren ask me to forget about you.. n let u go out from my mind because u already had a girlfriend.. oh nooo my hati berkecai time tu taw.. donno why.. jd benci glerr kat syed even bukan u yg wat slh.. langsung da x pandang syed.. blk skolah pun da x usha syed naik motor.. langsung x fikir n ingat... kosong.. n tetibe org lain dtg dlm hidup.. hmm so sad~
-FORM 5.. I TRULY HATE THIS TIME.. AKU TAK NAK INGAT KORG.. TP AKU X BOLEH.. akmal.. as.. alyaa.. mala.. azie.. anne.. sarah.. wani.. bella.. wani kecek.. ilyana.. nadia.. nabila.. fatihah.. natrah.. ayuni.. izati.. syafiqah.. azri.. papa.. amsyar.. adli.. chia.. bancha.. dzul.. nazrin.. fikri.. n ad lg yg x tersenarai.. x tahu nk ckp.. rindu.. x rindu.. benci.. x benci.. ntah.. since dat moment.. i will never forget what happen.. IYE AKU AD WAT SALAH... AKU DA MINTAK MAAF.. dats it.. I'M SORRY.. IT WAS MY FAULT.. WHAT CAN I DO TO MAKE IT RIGHT?..o'oooo emo plak.. aku sayang korg.. aku rindu korg.. jauh kat sudut hati nk jumpe korg sbnrnya.. hmm biarla aku pendam sorg.. aku sayang.. sayang.. sayang korg.. tanpa korg.. aku xkn berjaya jd tabah sampai skang.. menjadi org yg tegas amatlah susah bg aku.. thanks.. waktu form 4 n 5 slalu berborak ngan anne n ilyana.. xda ape yg nk ckp ngan anne n ilyana.. just rindu..
3 steps to ask a proper apologise..
1-I'm sorry
2-It was my fault
3-What i can do to make it right
only this 3 thing, i will be ok after that..
sorry for those yg mengharap ad perubahan pd ainor.. so sorry it is not easy for me.. u all make me die slowly.. lebih tenang mcm ni.. iyeee memang saya suke melarikan diri.. senyapkan diri.. dah suke.. nk wat camne..


it is me on the tiger suite

-MATRIC.. enjoy glerr walaupun sibuk.. roomate yg best... farah n zila.. ainor rindu sgt2.. korg rindu ke x kat ainor?.. ana.. mek.. anis.. farah.. sue.. shida.. zati.. fad.. efa.. fifa.. anip.. bidin.. fad.. jali.. jemi.. lisa.. omel.. sidah.. ummi.. nadia.. ain.. athirah.. am.. adam.. aizat.. akim.. alin.. amir.. anis.. burn.. elma.. fairis.. fiza.. hadi.. ipin.. linda.. sam.. syukri.. tim.. yah.. rindu kat korg sgt2.. korg wat hidup ainor berseri-seriiiiiiii~ time ni la kawad... time ni la jugak pakai costume tiger.. pengalaman manis.. rindu nyeee zaman matric.. walaupun peraturan yg agak ketat n slalu sakit..

AND NOW... selangkah kehadapan dlm kehidupan.. alhamdulillah rezeki untuk aku sambung belajar ad.. hbs SPM masuk MATRIC.. hbs matric masuk UMP pulak.. frst choice plak tu.. Alhamdulillah dekat ngan umah.. sng nk blk.. n sng jugak nk g dating haha.. rumah msg2 kat kuantan.. ape lg.. atuk syed amek la.. insyaAllah akan sambung lg pelajaran, master plak.. walaupun da kawen~.. haha gatal ok nk kawen.. Duk plak sebilik ngan roomate yg giler2.. u all rock beb..

roomate shayeee.. (^_^) hangout together
HANIS ATHIRAH BINTI SALIM... aku x lupa ko la.. ko la sahabat aku dr kecik sampai skang.. dr zaman pakai gaun.. panjat pokok ceri dgn felah n syira.. zaman kanak2 ngan korang sgt lah bermakna..AINIL, NORFADHILAH n SYAHIRA FARHANA.. aku rindu sgt2 ngan korg... adeh too much word rindu la... dats mean i btol2 rindu la.. rindu nk panjat pokok lg.. mandi sungai.. naik beskal.. pastu eksiden sama2... really want to see u all.. termasuk rafizee.. haselyn..

gambar ni time form 3.. ngan ainil, hanis, akmal, as, alyaa, fadhilah, atikah...
shooting team athlete.. coach.. miss u
pbsm.. miss u

and for those who involve in my life.. thanks a lot.. i really appreciate it.. love u guys.. miss u guys.. even u all dont love n miss me.. i don't care